Weekend Update and New Suite of the Week

This weekend has been a crazy busy one for me! Friday I was a vendor at a local event here in the The Villages called Nightmare on Meggison, it was so much fun! They had food trucks, old cars with Trunk or Treating, a haunted house, stilt walkers, live music and dancing and so much more! Here are some pictures from the event.

Unfortunately, it poured a few times and rain and paper crafts do NOT mix! I had to throw some of my projects away because they were ruined by the rain. However, I met a lot of nice people and while I didn’t sell a lot, I did meet quite a few people that were interested in meeting for my monthly card class, which was great!
This adorable knight stopped by and saw me! (My son Ethan)
 Ethan with some of the awesome stilt walkers

How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun? Exciting? Crazy? Leave a comment below and let me know, I would love to hear from you! I hope you have a great Sunday and I’ll see you all back here tomorrow where we’ll start the week with a card featuring this week’s Suite of the Week the Come to Gather Suite.

I’m glad you’re here and to ensure that you get the best of Stamp Camp with Jen please don’t forget:

  – Make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter to ensure that you don’t miss out on any exciting updates. 

 – Introducing the Campfire Rewards Program! You can see all of the details HERE. Earn badges while receiving your October FREE gift (see below)!

  – Shop with me in October and place a minimum order of $75 (before shipping and taxes) and receive your FREE GIFT! I will send this to you after your order has been shipped and will cover all costs associated with the gift. 

– Did you know that I offer monthly Stamp Camp classesFind out more about them HERE. The dates for the November classes are November 7th, 9th and 11th and they all start at 10:00 am.

– Make sure to check out the clearance rack for products at up to 60% off!

– Follow me on Facebook @stampcampwithjen.

– Follow me on Pinterest.

Happy Crafting Campers!


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