How to Easily Open Stampin’ Up! Ink Pads

Do you struggle with opening the new Stampin’ Up! ink pads? This is a very common complaint that I hear from my customers and I must admit I have trouble opening them sometimes too.

Today I have a few quick tips to show you how to easily open the ink pads so you never struggle with them again! Watch the 45 second video below to see my quick tips.

I found this to be SO helpful! Are you going to give it a try?

If you try my tips and find them helpful please let me know in the comments below. I love hearing from you!

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5 thoughts on “How to Easily Open Stampin’ Up! Ink Pads”

  1. Pushing on the top still did not work for me, but I do like your blistex tip for making it slide easily.

    Thank you,

  2. Thanks for your advice on opening the stamp pads, and the chap stick trick. I appreciate help for these arthritic fingers and hands. Have a great weekend and coming up week. Stay comfortable in this heat.

  3. Coming back to say I did get a couple of inkpads to open up after all, using your tip. Thanks for posting this!



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