3rd Annual Christmas Party

MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you have a blessed day full of love and happiness with those who fill your life with love and joy!

A couple of weeks ago I hosted my annual Christmas party for my local customers and team members that were able to attend. We always have so much fun, this is one of my favorite events of the year!

This year was potluck style and everyone brought a dish to pass. There was so much yummy food!

And we had games of course!

“Are You Ready For Christmas?” Game

We played a game called Are You Ready for Christmas? I typed up things like “If you’ve finished your Christmas shopping give yourself 3 points” and “If you are ready for Christmas to be over subtract 5 points” etc and had them all answer the questionnaire. The person with the most points, and who is most ready for Christmas, got a prize. I had an unopened pack of Christmas DSP from a few years ago that I gave as the prize.

This game was inspired by a version I saw online from Diva Girl Parties and Stuff.

Click here for my “Are You Ready for Christmas?” printable.

“Don’t Eat Santa” Game

This was a really fun one! I got this idea from Play Party Plan. I made it my own by adding Stampin’ Up! goodies that the girls could win.

I got the spinning carousel from Amazon.

In the carousel I added:

  • Santa Hershey’s chocolates
  • Christmas pencils
  • retired Stampin’ Up! ribbons and embellishments
  • lip balm, hand sanitizer and hand lotions from Bath and Body Works
  • single sheets of Stampin’ Dimensionals, Mini Stampin’ Dimensionals and Black Combo Stampin’ Dimensionals

After a couple of spins we realized that the pencils needed to come out of the carousel, they would go flying as soon as it started spinning! Ooops, haha.

You know what the most coveted section of the carousel was? The dimensionals! Everyone was so excited when they landed on that section!

How we played:

  • Everyone gets a cup. This is used to put your goodies in when you land on a section.
  • The first person comes up and places their cup on the counter somewhere next to the carousel.
  • They spin the carousel and whichever carousel section lands next to the cup is the section they land on and pick their prizes from.
  • If they spin on the section next to Santa they take a chocolate Santa and are done in the game.
  • If they don’t spin on Santa, they pick whichever prize is in the section next to their cup and will get to spin again on the next round.
  • After everyone has a chance to spin in the first round, those that didn’t land on Santa can choose to spin again in the second round or be done in the game and keep whichever goodies they won in the first round.
  • If they decide to spin again in the second round and land on Santa, they will have to put all their winnings back and grab a chocolate Santa.
  • At the end when it was all over, I let those that didn’t end up with prizes go back and pick 1 item from the carousel that way everyone left with something.

“Christmas Cups” Game

I’m not really sure what this game is called so I’m calling it “Christmas Cups”. This is one I saw somewhere on social media and I made it my own by adding Stampin’ Up! prizes to it.

How we played:

  • Set up a table with a bunch of cups. (I used these Hefty Cups for this game and my Don’t Eat Santa Game).
  • Under some of the cups put candy, leave some cups empty and put 1 Stampin’ Up! prize under some of the cups.
    • I put Glitter Washi Tape, Linen Thread, Snowfall Accents Puff Paint, and Sparkle & Shine Sequins Assortment under a few of the cups. These were all the perfect size to fit under the cups.
    • I had enough that each person would get one of the Stampin’ Up! prizes.
  • Let each person go up to the table and pick a cup. If they pick a Stampin’ Up! prize they are done and don’t get to pick again.
  • Let everyone go up until each person has chosen a Stampin’ Up! prize.

The girls loved this one too!

Mini Catalog Scavenger Hunt

I had to end the party with a Mini Catalog Scavenger Hunt. This is always a hit and gives the girls a chance to become familiar with the new catalog.

I passed out their new January – April 2023 Mini Catalogs and Sale-A-Bration Brochures to them along with my Mini Catalog Scavenger Hunt.

Again, I had prizes for the girl(s) that had the most points. I ended up having a 3-way tie so I brought out a few retired items and let them choose what they would like as their prize.

Click Here to see my Mini Catalog Scavenger Hunt.

Click Here for the Mini Catalog Scavenger Hunt Answer Key.

I hope theses games have given you some ideas for future Christmas party games. Which game sounds like a fun one that you might try to play? Let me know in the comments below!

I am going to be setting some of these up again for my family Christmas dinner tonight. We always play games and have a blast!

Merry Christmas!

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