For the next 48 hours all current Paper Pumpkin subscribers can save up to 50% on Paper Pumpkin past kits, refills, and add-ons!
Not a current subscriber? Subscribe today! When you subscribe by 10 November you will also receive the November From the North Pole Paper Pumpkin Kit.
Get a head start on your holiday shopping! Past kits, refills, and add-ons make perfect gifts for this upcoming holiday season.
Past kits and refills do not include a Stampin’ Block so be sure to add one to your shopping cart when you checkout. I recommend purchasing the Clear Block D.
Past Kits, Refills & Add-Ons
If you have any questions about Paper Pumpkin or need help starting your subscription, please contact me. You can call me anytime at 240-578-5644. I look forward to talking to you soon!