This has been an amazing year! You, my amazing customers and team members, have helped me come so close to earning the 2023 Incentive Trip to Norway that Stampin’ Up! is offering.
This is an extremely hard goal to reach and YOU have made is possible for me, I am SO CLOSE! Only about 1% of Demonstrators earn this trip each year. Will you help me reach my goal?

As a special thank you for helping me reach my goal I want to reward you for your amazing support! Click on the button below to shop with me and earn the gifts pictured above.
Please Note:
- All orders must use the Host Code to qualify.
- Click on the button above and the Host Code will automatically be entered to your shopping cart.
- For items of your choice and shopping sprees please contact me.
- Gifts will be mailed out in early October 2022.
- Gifts will be sent to the address used to place your Stampin’ Up! order.
- Offer ends 30 September 2022.
Thank you so much for your tremendous support! I am so excited and I truly appreciate your support now and always.